
Setting Up A Blobber on 0Chain (test) Network

Here is a sequence of videos and corresponding instructions for the process of setting up a blobber on 0chain (betanet) network. This process is subject to change and specific settings will be need to be…

Using SSH keys for Server Access

I decided to write this article so that people can more securely access and share access to their servers to authorised personnel. This is intended for Service Providers in the 0Chain community, but equally applies…

Some useful Docker Commands for Service Providers

Okay, so I am assuming here that you already followed instructions and are running blobber(s) and/or a miner/sharder for the 0chain network. Managing Docker Containers Lets start with seeing what docker processes are running docker…

Mapping Drives in Linux (Blobber folders)

By default, the blobber repo maps blobber paths to a fixed path it creates within the repo itself. Note, some of the commands shown in here may need to be performed as root or prefixed…